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Understanding Pubs - Decoding the Spaces We Love

Going out after a day of stress or during the weekends has never been a more integral part of human history, or at least that is what we think now. On the contrary, pubs have been around for a very long time, functioning as the pivoting point for communities and socializing. Casual and welcoming these spirited social spaces have evolved into what we see now as ‘PUBS’. Once humble places with the sole intention to provide basic alcoholic beverages with a skewed food offering they have now been transformed into their new polished, glossy, gourmet avatars. Looking at the historical aspects and tracking its evolution through the changing markets and preferences adds a fresh perspective of differentiating them from Bars & Restaurants. 

Creating a pub is a meticulous affair with many design, market, and business considerations. The book aims to ease the process of ‘Understanding Pubs’ by highlighting the concept of such a distinct space with various requirements and a clear focus on setting up some standards that can be handpicked in various permutations to result in a pub space that people are going to love coming to, repeatedly. The further decoding of the elements necessary to execute these spaces from a design point of view i.e. elements and themes, space planning, technical considerations, business considerations, etc. will be value addition.
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New Perspectives in Geography


TitleNew Perspectives in Geography
AuthorS. N. Sharma
Year Of Allotment2018
Book VersionPaperBack
Book DescriptionGeography's relevance to science and society arises from a distinctive and integrating set of perspectives through which geographers view the world around them. This chapter conveys a sense of what is meant by a geographic perspective, whether it be applied in research, teaching, or practice. Due to space limitations, it does not attempt to cite the many excellent examples of research illustrating geography perspective.
ISBN Number"978-93-86954-15-2"

Call for Book Chapters

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Recent Research in English Literature


Title of Book 

Recent Research in English Literature


SN Sharma



Year of publication




Brief Description of Book

Recent Research in English Literature is an edited book that contains chapters about the recent researches being undertaken by scholars around the world.

How to Submit Book Chapters

Send book chapters for publication this Book to

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