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Call for Book Chapters: "Fundamentals of Research Methods"

 Publisher: Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd

Publication Year: 2024
Submission Email:

Overview: Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd is pleased to invite authors to contribute chapters to our upcoming book titled "Fundamentals of Research Methods." This comprehensive volume aims to serve as an essential resource for students, educators, and professionals involved in academic research across various disciplines. We seek to provide readers with a foundational understanding of research methodologies, techniques, and tools that are crucial for conducting effective and ethical research.

Themes and Sub-Themes: We are interested in chapters that cover, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Research Methods:

    • Historical Development of Research Methodologies
    • Key Concepts in Research Design and Methodology
  2. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research:

    • Overview and Comparison
    • Mixed-Methods Approaches
  3. Data Collection Techniques:

    • Surveys and Questionnaires
    • Interviews and Focus Groups
    • Observational and Experimental Methods
  4. Data Analysis and Interpretation:

    • Statistical Analysis for Quantitative Data
    • Content Analysis for Qualitative Data
    • Software Tools for Data Analysis
  5. Ethical Considerations in Research:

    • Informed Consent
    • Privacy and Confidentiality Issues
    • Ethical Approval Processes
  6. Writing and Presenting Research:

    • Crafting Research Proposals
    • Writing Effective Research Papers
    • Best Practices for Publishing and Dissemination

Guidelines for Contributors:

  • Chapters should be original work and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Contributions must be between 3000 to 5000 words, including references, tables, and figures.
  • All submissions must adhere to the APA (American Psychological Association) style for citations and references.
  • Submissions should include a title, abstract (200 words), keywords, main text, and references.
  • Each chapter should provide clear takeaways and practical implications for readers.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: June 11, 2024
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance: July 12, 2024
  • Full Chapter Submission Deadline: August 10, 2024
  • Peer Review Feedback: September 3, 2024
  • Final Chapter Submission: October 2, 2024
  • Publication Date: November 2, 2024

Submission Process: Interested authors should first submit an abstract (up to 200 words) outlining the chapter's content, objectives, and its relevance to the book's themes. Abstracts should be sent to After review, selected authors will be invited to submit full chapters.

Review Process: Each submitted chapter will undergo a double-blind peer review process to ensure quality, relevance, and integrity of the work. Feedback will be provided to authors for necessary revisions to meet the publication standards.

Contact Information: For inquiries regarding the call for chapters or submission process, please contact the Editorial Team at We look forward to your contributions and to collaboratively developing a resource that will be invaluable for the academic community.

Join us in shaping a comprehensive guide that explores and elucidates the fundamentals of research methodologies!

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Wealth Creation through Equity Investing

Wealth creation through equity investing is an intensive exercise requiring special skills and knowledge backed by extensive market and company research and thorough understanding of the subtleties of the market behavior. Whereas equity investing beats the inflation and is an ideal instrument of investment for growth by delivering higher rate of return compared to fixed return instruments, the associated risks must be kept in view that equity is a volatile instrument whose prices change every day and any negative sentiment/news/adverse happening would erode the principal investment. It is only the intelligent and perceptive investor who makes money in both rising and falling markets.

With a view to understand the nuances of equity investing, how equities create wealth in the long run, understanding the difference between growth vis-à-vis value investing, why high quality companies trade at high multiples, the capital market experts will guide the readers with their experience. The underlying reasons why PSUs have not performed in spite of their inherent strengths will also be discussed in different chapters.

Submit your book chapter for publication in this book to 

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New Perspectives on Happiness & Peace

New Perspectives on Happiness & Peace (ISBN 978-81-951119-5-4)  provides a platform for happiness and Conscious Organizations research. New Perspectives on Happiness & Peace is committed to enhance holistic happiness and build conscious citizens. The scope of Book includes Individuals, Teams, Organizational, National happiness evaluations and prescriptions for improving the metrics. Besides this it aims at promoting stakeholder focus on Conscious Organizations which is a consequence of employees’ well-being and a conscious contribution to the society.

New Perspectives on Happiness & Peace is a book that publishes conceptual, quantitative and qualitative research papers relating to Individual, Team, Organizational, Societal and Cross cultural Happiness for realizing inner-peace and achieving well-being of employees, citizens and other stakeholders. The aim of the journal is also to encourage researchers to study and start discussions on leading platforms among the learned bodies on need for creating conscious Organizations as a key solution for enhancing Organizational Happiness and Peace. We welcome research papers with a methodological focus and papers bringing out on critical issues related to the happiness and creation of conscious Organizations and Peace.

New Perspectives on Happiness & Peace welcomes original research papers, review papers and book summaries related to happiness, creating and sustaining Conscious Organizations within the limits of academic and ethical standards. We invite ideas from all parts of world to submit their writings to AJHP. The basic condition for acceptance in Book is Originality, clarity, Novelty, relevant literature review, Interpreted findings, and best use of appropriate methods of research. This Book publishes Research Papers, Case study, & Book Reviews based in the Sub themes mentioned.

All papers submitted will be published in an ISBN book hard copy / e-book depending on prevalent pandemic situations. All publications will be done only if the guidelines and comments of the reviewers are incorporated, failing which they will be unfortunately delayed for the next issue after approved corrections are timely done. 

The expected learning outcomes are placed below. readers will -

1. Classify philosophical, scientific and academic literatures along with subjective experiences for aligning the existing strategies for the future work and happy workplace.

2. Advance an understanding of the 5 R-I-G-H-T Pillars of Happiness.

3. Ponder on how to use research findings to develop intervention and priorities for nurturing and sustaining Happiness at all levels in Organizations or Individual lives.

4. Analyse the development / creation of a Global Happiness Ecosystem & Infrastructure.


1. R-Revisiting: Concepts about Happiness, Peace, Organizational Happiness, Team Happiness, Individual happiness & Conscious Organizations

2. I- Interpreting: Organizational Happiness & the Peace Conscious Practices adopted by Legendary Individuals, Societies, Organizations & Nations

3. G- Gaps between Leader & Employees: Gaps in vision, mental models, intentions, beliefs, wisdom, competencies, willingness that can either accelerate or de-accelerate the development of Conscious Organizations. 

4. H- Happiness Infrastructure: Building and analyzing frameworks that accelerates the creation of Conscious Organizations

5. T- Togetherness: Happiness is the cause of the Peace. And peace is a desired social outcome. It becomes natural to seek proposed frameworks or advance theories that promote togetherness beyond the family borders & political borders.

Topic Guidelines for BOOK CHAPTER Submission but is not limited to:

Legendary Happiness

Emerging New Normal at Workplace

Alignment of Leader-Employee relationship

Insights of Organizational Happiness

Technology role in Sustaining Happiness

Leader and Employee relationship

Strategies of Joyful, Healthy life

Turbulent zones in Mental Health of Leaders


Vibrant Organizations

Webinar Unhappiness

Well-Being of Students & employees

Happiness Ecosystem

Memory and Happiness

Habits & Happiness

Public Policies & Citizens Happiness

National Happiness

Perception Conflict

Measures of well-being and happiness 

Happiness & Meaning of work

Quality of Organizational life

Employees Aversive to promote their own Organization

Leader’s Happiness

Boss Management for workplace happiness


New age methods for Stress Management


Determinants or consequences of happiness

Happy Teachers

Smart happiness & happy communications

Happiness inequality

Peace building initiatives by Government

Governance Happiness

Peace Building Strategies adopted by Businesses

Conflict resolution

Ineffectiveness of methods to transfer human values

Sustainable Happiness

Happiness Hypothesis

Role of Failures in building Happiness

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Rapid urbanization represents major threats and challenges to personal and public health. The World Health Organisation identifies the ‘urban health threat’ as three-fold: infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases; and violence and injury from, amongst other things, road traffic. Within this tripartite structure of health issues in the built environment, there are multiple individual issues affecting both the developed and the developing worlds and the global north and south.

Reflecting on a broad set of interrelated concerns about health and the design of the places we inhabit, this book seeks to better understand the interconnectedness and potential solutions to the problems associated with health and the built environment. Divided into three key themes: home, city, and society, each section presents a number of research chapters that explore global processes, transformative praxis and emergent trends in architecture, urban design and healthy city research. Drawing together practicing architects, academics, scholars, public health professional and activists from around the world to provide perspectives on design for health, this book includes emerging research on: healthy homes, walkable cities, design for ageing, dementia and the built environment, health equality and urban poverty, community health services, neighbourhood support and wellbeing, urban sanitation and communicable disease, the role of transport infrastructures and government policy, and the cost implications of ‘unhealthy’ cities etc. To that end, this book examines alternative and radical ways of practicing architecture and the re-imagining of the profession of architecture through a lens of human health. 

EDITED BOOK Background

Slums is typically understood to involve all aspects of residential areas. Slums is studied by wide range of schoalrs. They include sociologists, human geographers, public health professionals, architects, planners, and urban designers, to mention just a few.
Sociologists study the life of communities in our cities, towns and neighbourhoods. Human geographers research issues ranging from into the migrations of people from rural to urban to the socio-political settings and the patterns of life and activity that characterise cities across the world. Public health professionals today continue the work of over two centuries in their field concerned with the city as an important site for public health debates. Examples in recent years include the Healthy Cities initiative developed by the World Health Organisation and multiple governmental and NHS projects to promote notions such as the ‘walkable city’, not to mention the health, community and social agenda promoted by the UN Habitat programme.
All of this research and activity of course happens alongside, and in collaboration with, those academics and professionals engaged in the built environment in more traditional ways. Architects form example have long engaged in designing buildings while working with social groups and communities on ‘community design’ projects and collaborating with the public to create more ‘human’ city environments. Urban planners obviously work with policy makers and architects directly, but are also now fully embedded in community participation exercises involving human geographers and sociologists. At an even larger regional planning level these issues are linked to government policy of community regeneration and a broader narrative on public health and healthy living that encourages active lifestyles and thus, walkable and bicycle friendly city streets.

Edited Book Chapters Rationale

Slum is an inherently interdisciplinary phenomenon. However, currently, this reality is only partially reflected in literature that periodically explores specific aspects of this interdisciplinary field, but has not yet developed a coherent platform on which to explore the full range and depth of the cross disciplinary nature of life in our cities, their physical infrastructure, their planning policies, health implications and community bonds. As a result, there is a need to develop a platform that supports research into the built environment of cities across disciplines such as sociology, human geography, community and political studies in a coherent and interconnected way.
In serving this role, the series will make a major contribution to the most embedded field of built environment studies (architecture, urban design, planning) and make significant contributions to those fields that inevitably engage with it in the course of their own specific studies (such as sociology, human geography, public health and community studies etc).

The series promises to become a fundamental reference point to scholars across disciplines in the India and further afield, giving multiple disciplines a platform to interconnect and learn from each other. It is expected to establish a clear interdisciplinary definition and reference point for the multiple perspectives and approaches to research in, and related to, the built environment.

How to Submit a Proposal

Please submit book chapters to 
ISBN 978-81-951119-4-7
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Research Trends in English Language and Literature


TitleResearch Trends in English Language and Literature
EditorSN Sharma
Year Of Allotment2019
Book VersionPaperBack
Book DescriptionOur English language and literature books, online and digital resources provide different learning methods, encouraging students to find a method that suits them, enabling them to build their confidence and perform at their best.
ISBN Number"978-93-86954-37-4"

How to Submit Book Chapters for Publication

Send book chapters for review to 

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